Child Safety
Hashomer Hatzair believes wholeheartedly in the safety and security of our participants and leaders. Leaders at Hashy have undergone extensive leadership and safeguarding children training courses, and are re-trained at least twice a year. All leaders at Hashy have Working with Children Checks, and comply with all the necessary child safe standards.
As an affiliate of the Australasian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC) we abide by the AZYC Rights of the Chanichim*ot.
The AZYC and its affiliate movements believe that children who come to youth movement activities, camps and seminars should:
Feel comfortable;
Be safe;
Feel safe;
Have a right to contact your parents or others if you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or
distressed at any time during an activity, event or program;
Activities, events or programs that we provide for you are to be suitable for your age
and development, and taken by appropriately qualified staff;
To be able to share your opinions in a safe and supportive environment;
Be provided with clear directions and given an opportunity to redirect your behaviour
in a positive manner if staff believe that you have broken program rules and/or
NOT be subject to disciplinary action involving physical punishment, or any form of
treatment that could reasonably be considered degrading, cruel, frightening or
humiliating; and
Contribute suggestions and feedback on an activity, event or program in which you
have participated.
Hashy also abides by the AZYC Privacy Policy, which can be viewed here.
Hashy is deeply committed to maintaining rigorous child safety standards. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to be in contact: